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Pros and Cons of Cross-Platform App Development
Are you planning to make your own mobile application? Considering various means to choose the most optimal for your case? Let us share what we know about cross-platform instruments – who knows, maybe it’s exactly what you need.
To start we shall say few words on the cross-platform app building itself.
The fundamental motive for making cross-platform designing tools is to streamline the procedures of mobile services’ creation. Actually, right now we discuss not the benefits for the regular audience (meaning, users), but the benefits (and shortcomings) for developers applying those instruments. Via cross-platform perspective, you’ll generate source coding to launch on various mobile frameworks.
Strictly speaking, the idea is to build a specific file to apply that code, and the iOS docs will get .ipa extension, while the Android ones will have .apk. Even the .apk extension file will be good for iOS frameworks, after some slight alterations, of course, which won’t take much time or effort.
Here’s one interesting question we’d like to answer next.
Are hybrid & cross-platform services the same things?
In the opinion of most people, those two kinds of apps remain totally identical. Honestly speaking, cross-platform and hybrid solutions are really close, but, not fully equal. We shall be more specific on the subject.
Cross-platform methodology refers to only one-time coding to be applied for diverse operating systems. The thing is that the procedure to make a hybrid solution looks alike, but with few small differences.
Hybrid options always take advantage of various web techniques, say, HTML5, JavaScript, etc. Cross-platform programs do so too, but only occasionally, once in a while – .NET is a vivid example.
That’s their principal difference.
Cross-platform making instruments
Coming back to our original discussion, let’s distinguish the major solutions you’re free to go for:
- Appcelerator;
- Cordova;
- React Native;
- Xamarin;
- PhoneGap;
- NativeScript;
- Flutter.
Those mentioned aren’t your sole possibilities. The list is almost endless. Enumerating the above frameworks we’d just decided to give you some ideas.
Criteria for selecting a specific cross-platform means
If you pay attention to the 3 points below, you’ll choose cross-platform app development tools for a specific case:
- Your developer’s expertise – see what your developer knows. When being familiar with C#, for example, your guy can easily apply Xamarin. The given instrument isn’t simple, but it’s truly great, cos it allows creating both iOS & Android apps the quality of which is equally good versus the native apps. Isn’t it what you’re striving for?
- Your budget – it matters, right? Here it’s about a certain amount of money you are to pay to deal with a certain solution. Of course, there exist free-of-charge frameworks, like, PhoneGap, however, multiple cross-platform instruments demand to pay fees, which might be pretty high.
- Your project sophistication level – it’s closely connected with your budget capacity. When having unlimited funds, you’re free to select any solution you’d like. To the contrary, evaluate your project complexity. Do you need complicated graphics or sophisticated hardware? Then you need something like Xamarin, which is pretty expensive. Otherwise, for more simple projects PhoneGap will work perfectly, and, by the way, it’s quite affordable moneywise.

Shall we reveal pluses and minuses you can enjoy (or not) by applying solutions in question? Let’s do it!
Cross-Platform Making Pros
#1. Cost-saving
Let’s be honest – a possibility to save funds is among key reasons to enjoy cross-platform instruments. Probably, you’ve already calculated the amount of money you’ll save by creating 1 service to be run on a few operation systems, haven’t you? That’s pretty impressive!
#2. Launching Android & iOS services alongside
As we’re well aware, cross-platform programs run on various platforms, thus, mentioned type apps are entering several markets concurrently. Hence, the quantity of your potential customers is also growing, which in turn brings more chances for the audience to upload your service. The mentioned perspective looks really great, do you agree?
#3. Simple service improving
The logic of such a service operates equally on various OSs. That’s why it actually turns out to be pretty simple to upgrade your m-service. You’re free from doubling your work and efforts.
#4. Same UX/UI
Surely, your service’s interface matters significantly. Every app owner is looking for some special and unique solutions. It’s only a half of the battle to generate a one-of-a-kind service, but how to maintain it properly? Cross-platform approaches give a single coding basis, thus, the services turn to have similar interfaces on every OS.
#5. Positive predictions for future
A truly bright future is waiting for cross-platform techniques. Such programs are gaining more and more popularity nowadays. The world feels the need, and new special solutions appear to support cross-platform makers. Thereby, today’s services built by means of cross-platform tools operate the same way as native platforms do. Then why should you overpay for getting the same output?

Nonetheless, given amazing instruments have some drawbacks as well, and we have to light them too.
Cross-Platform Making Cons
#1. Restricted accessibility to gadgets’ native functions
Unfortunately, to one degree or other cross-platform services cannot access every single parameter of a certain operating system. Though, you don’t require full integrations in 100% of cases. Sometimes, according to your service tasks, you don’t need it at all.
#2. Poor flexibility
When planning to stuff your app with impressive functionalities to be operated on various gadgets, cross-platform methods might fail you on its flexibility (in comparison with native tools). Just be aware of such peculiarities, and get prepared to take care of certain complications.
#3. A rather complicated collaboration with GooglePlay & AppStore
It’s quite a long pace to get cross-platform apps authorized on GooglePlay. The same holds true for AppStore authorization procedures. Unfortunately, it’s not that fast and easy as you’d like it to be. More importantly, every single upgrade you have in your mind must get approval before being available. Such regulations might be irritating and annoying, but you have to comply.
Summing up…
Today we’ve discussed with you what cross-platform tools represent. Right now you know their advantages together with disadvantages. Thus, to summarize…
You need a cross-platform service building if:
- you’re to make only 1 app to run on multiples OSs at affordable costs;
- you want to enter Android & iOS markets fast;
- you’re creating a service without difficult or sophisticated animation with no need for complicated calculations;
- you’re looking for an m-service having constant online access for uploading various content.
We wish you get succeed!