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E-mails Overpower Social Networking Sites for Online Retailers
As per the latest on going trends in the business world, no business is taken seriously if its online network does not extend to the Facebook, Twitter or other social media networking web sites. Time and again, an unending stream of a variety of distinctive advices from different marketing as well as business consultants across the globe has repeatedly warned companies, webmasters and businesses about the urgent need of getting social even before you buy domain names so as to escape the image of being a company or organisation who don’t even need telephones for communication, like the ones that prevailed centuries ago. Irrespective of this current hype which has actually inevitably clanged to what it generally used to be, however, the technique as well as strategy involving selling of the stuff and product online has recently emerged to be extremely important.
According to a recent revelation by a new marketing research report, over a period of the past five years, almost every online retailer has actually directly quadrupled the total rate as well as number of customers which were acquired through email to an almost seven per cent of the increment. In other words, the major source of customers and hence income for online retailers in the past few years has been the email instead of the wide line of social networking websites that are in the buzz today. In fact, even though today it is one of the most hyped and widely used social networking websites, Facebook has always pictured as dead and flat as far as the selling or buying of products through online media is concerned. Over the years, the researchers have hardly seen or noticed any Facebook strategy, technique or any mode of registration through which both the buyers and sellers can make, conduct or participate in any form of sale. In addition to this, even the little fraction of Facebook users who connected with each other and began to buy over the popular social networking site has actually remained inactive as well as flat for over the years.
While on the one hand, Facebook has still showed some signs of user registration for buying as well as selling purposes, on the other hand, the second popular social networking website Twitter does not show even allow its users to indulge in any form of such a registration that circles around the buying and selling of products or services.
For the past few years, one of the best and the most widely employed method for getting customers has involved organic search. In accordance with this method, any business web site or the e-commerce site that involves selling or buying of products and hence works with an objective of getting customers, buyers or sellers must get their web site socially optimized with in the lines of the current or the prevalent search engine optimization strategies, techniques and other concerned rules as well as regulations. In order to get their web sites filtered or search engine optimized, web owners, companies or businesses can hire professional optimization services or do so themselves if they possess some form of tech savvy knowledge. However, the experts always recommend businesses to opt in for the professional web optimization services so as to encourage white hat search engine optimization instead of black hat search engine optimization. Also, white hat SEO ensures organic search results and hence brings greater traffic to your site thereby converting them to sales. However, remember that the optimization must be done while you buy domain names for your business website.